Volume 19, Issue 1 (Journaloflasersinmedicine 2022)                   lmj 2022, 19(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Lifestyle Medicine department, Medical Laser Research Center, ACECR, Tehran, Iran Mohsen Fateh, MD MPH
Abstract:   (865 Views)
Wound occurrence and its psycho-economic consequences have always been one of the biggest problems of medical centers such as hospitals, clinics and medical staff. Despite the extensive progress made in modern medicine, however, the role of complementary and alternative medicine in improving treatment procedures and the results of modern medicine regimens cannot be ignored. Considering the number of studies conducted in this field all over the world, it seems that studies like the present study are necessary to review the evidence from valid trials conducted on complementary and alternative medicine methods.
Also, the economic burden of wound care was estimated at $1,820 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.9% from 2019 to 2026. On the other hand, chronic wounds alone are a big challenge for the medical staff and the health system of different countries. In such a way that the new statistics in the United States indicate spending an amount equal to 25 billion dollars per year for the management of chronic wounds, which is a figure caused by the suffering of 6.5 million people in the United States alone who have chronic wounds. The problems caused by chronic wounds do not end here, but such wounds increase the duration of hospitalization of patients in medical centers, loss of mobility of patients, significant decrease in the quality of life of patients and their companions, and also increase the risk of hospital infections. With all the mentioned cases, the recent pandemic caused by covid-19 also added to the cause and made access to medical services difficult for people who have chronic and acute wounds.
There are many treatment methods in complementary and alternative medicine, although their effectiveness in treating wounds has been proven experimentally for local healers and non-professionals, but most of them are still not tested in scientific studies such as trials. They are used conservatively by a limited spectrum of the medical community. Of course, in the meantime, scientific and evidence-based studies have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of common methods in complementary and alternative medicine and have successfully recorded the effectiveness of the aforementioned methods in research for inflammation, cancer and other chronic diseases.  Considering the promising horizon that existing studies on complementary and alternative medicine have created in the field of treating various diseases, it is recommended that researchers pay more attention to this field in future studies, especially regarding the use of complementary and alternative medicine in treatment have acute and chronic wounds. Therefore, due to the lack of a comprehensive and path-breaking study to guide the medical staff in the field of complementary and alternative medicine in the hospital, we decided to conduct the present study with the aim of reviewing the studies on the effect of complementary and alternative medicine in wound treatment.
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Educational: Review | Subject: General
Received: 2022/08/14 | Accepted: 2022/09/1 | Published: 2022/10/2

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