Author Guideline

The specifications of manuscripts:

original research articles:  should include title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, thanks and appreciation, contribution of sources authors, abstract in English, appendices (tables, charts and pictures).  
Review Articles: should include abstract, introduction, materials and methods, primary and secondary headings, discussion and conclusion, thanks and appreciation, contribution of authors of sources and abstract in English. A review article by experts and experienced researchers who have many publications in the relevant specialized field is more acceptable.
Systematic Review Articles : These types of articles can be in the form of meta-analysis, meta-synthesis or without statistical analysis. These articles have components of original research articles. The structure of these articles is similar to review articles.  
 Case Report: This type of article includes exceptional cases with educational and research aspects that are printed at most one in each issue.   

Articles should preferably be written using Microsoft Office Word 2007 or higher.
 The type and size of letters for Persian language should be B Mazarin font and size 
14 and for English language Times New Roman  and size 12 .
 Title: bold font 14,  headings: bold font 12


  1.  The title should reflect the content of the article.
  2. Be brief and simple
  3. Subtitle or abbreviated title should be separated by colon (:)
Author/ Author
  1.  The name of the author(s) should be mentioned below the title of the article.
  2. Corresponding author should be distinguished with *
  3.  Full details of the author(s), including the academic degree, academic rank, and affiliation of the authors, including the university, faculty, or research institute related to them, should be included in the footer of the first page.
  4. The email address of the responsible author should be mentioned in the footer of the first page.

The Source of the Research

In case of taking from the master's thesis or doctoral thesis, it should be mentioned in the acknowledgments section of the articles

The abstract of the article (both in Farsi and English) on independent pages, organized in a structure ( structure ) with a maximum of 500 words (with an emphasis on "materials and methods" and "results") without mentioning sources and abbreviations and representative of all The concepts and elements of the content of the article are as follows :  

  This section should be at most two to three sentences related to the necessity of conducting the study. Objectives should be clear, measurable (in quantitative studies) or attainable and used in all parts of the article,

 Materials and methods
It should include general information about the type of study, population and sample, method and tools of data collection, and time and type of intervention. Mention the statistical method and statistical software used.
  At the beginning of the findings, the main demographic characteristics of the investigated sample should be mentioned, including age (mean and standard deviation) and gender.
In quantitative studies, the findings should be expressed according to the purpose of the study by mentioning descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation/percentage) and inferential statistics including results and statistical indicators. In qualitative studies, the main findings should be mentioned classified according to the study method. 


  This section should not be a repetition of research findings. In this section, the final summary of the findings along with the researcher's recommendations, the applications of the findings or results in the specialized field should be stated.

3-10 main words and keywords in the Persian abstract should be in Persian and in the English abstract should be in English and match each other.
    Keywords should not be written as abbreviations, for example:  ADL
  unless it is included in parentheses after the complete mention of the phrase, for example: Activity of Daily Living (ADL) 
  Keywords should be separated from each other using a semicolon ( ; ).

Code of Ethics and IRCT 

  Considering the necessity of assigning the code approved by the ethics committee to all research projects reviewed by the committee, it is necessary to refer to the relevant code in the articles resulting from the research projects. Otherwise, these articles will not be published. In the case of clinical trial studies, it is necessary to mention the IRCT code registered in the clinical trial registration center at
It is worth mentioning that articles such as letters to the editor and reviews (narrative and systematic) do not need to provide an ethics ID. Institutions and universities affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Islamic Azad University are also required to mention the approved code of ethics in the work group/committee of ethics in the research of the relevant institution.
 The main text of the article The main text of the article includes: introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, thanks and appreciation, contribution of authors and sources.

 Introduction The introduction should be concise, clear, purposeful and well written. Therefore, respected authors should pay attention to the type, sequence and logical order of the information provided in the introduction. These principles are not different in quantitative and qualitative studies. 
Materials and methods. One of the important parts of the article that shows the strength and accuracy of the study is the information that is expressed in the study method. Due to the differences in the methodology of quantitative and qualitative studies, it is necessary to write in this section which ethics committee (if any, the approval number of the ethics committee) has approved this research.
 Results Another important part of the article, which reflects the whole view of the study's achievement, is the information that is expressed in the findings section. Discussion and conclusion The discussion should contain a summary and conclusion of the findings in line with how to answer the goals or questions of the research and at the end the conclusion should include a final and brief summary of the content of the discussion in relation to the general goal or hypothesis or question. be the main research. Therefore, the article should be summarized with a clear conclusion that does not exceed the limits of the study results, and the applications of the findings, limitations of the study, and its generalizability should be considered. And finally, some suggestions can be made for conducting further studies and applying the findings in this section. 
Acknowledgments in this section, the institution that provides the budget, individuals or organizations that have cooperated in some way in conducting the study or writing the article are appreciated. Contribution of the authors in this part, it is necessary to specify the contribution and role of each of the authors in the preparation of the article. Sources should be set according to the Vancouver style. So that the text references are numbered in the order of their appearance in the text, and at the end of the article in the references section, they are numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. In the text, after using each source, insert the source number in parentheses. All resources are in English. Example:   

 A - Article English reference:
 last name of the author (authors) and first initial of the author's name (authors), full title of the article, name of the journal, year of publication, journal number: starting and ending pages of the article. 
Heaney D، Wyke S، Wilson P، Elton R، et al. Assessment of impact of information booklets on use of healthcare services: randomized controlled trial. British Medical Journal 

B – Books English reference,
name and surname of the author or authors, full title of the book, publication number, name of the publisher, place or city of publication of the book, year of publication,
Beaglehole R، Bonita R، Kjell Strom T. Basic Epidemiology. 
1st Edition، WHO: Geneva، 1993

C - If using an English book with several chapters, each chapter has a separate author or authors, and the purpose of the article is only to refer to one of the chapters of the book, it should be mentioned under the title of the source:
last name and first initial of the author of the corresponding chapter. Title of the chapter, last name and first initial of the main author of the book, full title of the book, publication number, name of the publisher: place of publication of the book, year of publication: start and end pages of the article.
Read JL. The New era of quality-of-life assessment. In: Walker SR، Rosser RM، eds. Quality of Life Assessment. Key issues in the 
1990s Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherland، 1993
It should be noted that in all the above cases, if there are multiple authors, the names of the first six authors should be mentioned in order, and the names of the others should  be mentioned as "et al" . 

  Note: According to the conditions of indexing scientific and research journals in the world's authoritative databases, it is necessary to transliterate all Persian sources into English. To write the title of an article or a Persian book, use the English abstract title of the same article in the magazine in which it was published and the English title of the book that is written behind it.
It is worth mentioning that any requested changes in the address and details of the authors are possible only before publication.


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